Finding and activating Location Services in the Hybrid Mobile App
When looking for a Hybrid gym in the Hybrid Always Open Gym Network, Location Services must be active on your mobile device.
Hybrid AF Mobile App
1. After logging into your Hybrid AF account, navigate to the Locations icon.
2. Once on the Locations screen, select the locate button at the top right.
3. Wait for the app to determine your location.
4. Enter the gym by unlocking the door.
5. If the app cannot determine your location, continue to the next section to enable location service on your mobile device.
Enabling Location Services on Your Mobile Device
Apple iPhone iOS
1. Navigate to your Settings app.
2. Navigate to Privacy & Security.
3. Select Location Services.
4. Ensure Location Services is turned on with the top toggle.
5. Scroll down to and select HybridAF.
6. Ensure "While Using the App" is selected and "Precise Location" is toggled on.
7. Retry the HybridAF app.
Embedded Access in StreamFit, CHiP, My Strength Book, and WODBoard
If they get this message on iOS
Need to allow permissions in Safari ( or whatever default browser is being used) Apple Settings > Apps > Safari (or Default Browser) > Location > Need to ask or Allow