Manage Members with ZenPlanner Interface

Manage Members with ZenPlanner Interface

If the Gym owner is asking to integrate with Zenplanner, send them the template below to get started. A copy of the key goes to Matt and one goes to Christina.

Once API key has been generated, a ticket will appear from Daxco will appear:
  • Have Gym Owner* Matt might be doing this part, more clarification to come.
    • Login to ZenPlanner with an Admin Account
    • Click Setup
    • Scroll Down to Web Hooks and click it
      • In the People Data Feed Line remove our URL
    • Let us know when this is complete
  • Hybrid Support
    • Ensure you know the settings:
      • Access Method
        • 0 - By Group
        • 1 - By Program Name
      • Get Classes
        • 0 - No
        • 1 - Yes
    • Update the gyms table as below
  1. update gyms set InterfaceParamters =
  2. '<Root>
  3. <ZenPlannerDaxo>
  4. <api_url></api_url>
  5. <client_id>prod_hybridaf</client_id>
  6. <client_secret>Me74fHgfd2xoNF5G</client_secret>
  7. <scope>##From Ticket##</scope>
  8. <access_method>0 or 1</access_method>

  9. <ProgramNames>
  10.   <ProgramName gym_access="##">####</ProgramName>
  11. </ProgramNames>
  12. <get_classes>1</get_classes>
  13. <reservation_start_buffer>30</reservation_start_buffer>
  14. <reservation_end_buffer>30</reservation_end_buffer>
  15. </ZenPlannerDaxo>
  16. </Root>' where id = ##

  1. Send an email to to let us know the Gym which the interface was switched over for so we can start billing them for it.
What we send to gym owners after they are integrated:

  • To add access:
    • Simply add the new "HybridAF" group to the member to someone with a valid membership (Active not Alumni)
    • Wait about 15 minutes and then in the Hybrid app under My Members they will show as active
    • The user gets a welcome email to download the app or the account activated app if they were already in the system but, not active anymore
  • To remove access:
    • Simply remove the new "HybridAF" group from the member or set them to Alumni
    • Wait about 15 minutes and then in the Hybrid app under My Members they will show under the inactive filter.

ZenPlanner (legacy)
Real-time, they send changes as they happen like Zapier
ZenPlanner (Daxco)
Full pull each time. If they don't show in the list we turn them off.

Note: If your coaches do not have an active membership they will be disabled because it shows them as an Alumni. Please either add with a membership or let know that you want their email address ignored by the interface.

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